5 Washington Celebrities That Could Run for President 2020
- Getty Images
Getty Images 1Steve Largent
Probably the most likely on this list to get back into government, Steve Largent is a legend in the Northwest. He is a Republican and not born in Washington, but a lot of people on both sides of the isle respect him and what he has always stood for.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 2Ken Griffey Jr
Maybe the single most popular sports icon in Seattle history, Ken Griffey Jr would get a ton of votes from the northwest. He already ran once in a Nike ad with the Mariner Moose as his running mate.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 3Bill Gates
If I was going to pick a millionaire it would be Bill Gates. Bill Gates has spent his life after Microsoft helping the people of the world with the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world. It helps globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and in America, to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology according to Wikipedia.
- Emma McIntyre
Emma McIntyre 4Chris Pratt
He might win the election just with the woman vote alone, Chris Pratt would be a great choice. He hasn't been two political so far but everyone knows he is a great guy. Plus, how cool would it be to have a President Star Lord!
- Kevin Winter
Kevin Winter 5Sir Mix A Lot
Another well known celebrity that I think has some potential as a candidate for President of the United States. We currently have a celebrity with no political experience in the White House so why not Mix A Lot? I can here the campaign slogan now..."I like big budgets, and I can not lie.."
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