Carl Pettit is a writer and editor with interests ranging from international relations and political humor to the arts and modern media.
Carl Pettit
5 Fun Facts About Turkeys — Yes, They Can Fly (and Change Color)
Thanksgiving is almost here, which means we start seeing turkeys everywhere—on TV, in our children's school drawings, running through our dreams every single night while we sleep ... you get the idea. And eventually these poor turkeys will be inside many of our overstuffed stomachs as well.
Halloween’s Strange Origins — 5 More Things You Might Not Know
If you still haven’t had your fill of Halloween trivia, we have a few more fun and eyebrow-raising spooky holiday facts for you. October 31 is a day—and especially a night—full of spine-tingling surprises. With a bit of Halloween knowledge under your belt, you can impress your friends, as well as the ghost and ghouls wandering around your neighborhood, with your detailed knowledge of jack-o'-lante
A Brief History of Witches, From Wicked to Sexy
The season of the witch is upon us. Time to brush up on your history—these evil green-skinned sorcerers aren't necessarily what you think. For example, they aren't evil, green-skinned or sorcerers. (Well, maybe some are, but not usually.)
Halloween’s Strange Origins — 5 Things You Might Not Know
These days Halloween is all Naughty This and Sexy That, but the roots of our spookiest holiday's traditions—from pumpkins to trick-or-treating—run deep, their origins reaching back thousands of years to pre-Christian pagan festivals and superstitions. These quirky bits of trivia about the history of Halloween should help you better appreciate all the ghouls and witches wandering about (and your ho
5 Stunning, Futuristic Concept Cars You Might Be Able to Buy Someday
Car designers are hard at work coming up with some incredible, futuristic-looking automotive designs, some of which may be racing down your street in the years ahead.
5 Careers That Are Quickly Dying Out
Getting a solid apprenticeship or a college education is almost always a good idea for anyone traveling down the career path. The problem arises when you have to decide between several different options. While anyone with a strong skill set (blue- or white-collar) should be fairly employable, it’s just a basic fact that some vocations are more in demand these days than others. It often depends on
5 Highly Unusual Restaurant Experiences You Won’t Forget
There are all kinds of strange eateries out there, ranging from opera-themed bistros to cafes swarming with cats, as well as diners built inside of the fuselages of old airplanes. While we understand that some people just want a simple, peaceful meal when they head out, others like a little something extra special.
5 Unusual Animals That Make Great Pets
Cats and dogs, while extremely lovable, are not the only choices out there when it comes to selecting a household pet. There are quite a few unusual animals in existence that actually make good, even great companions for their human owners. We’re not talking man-eating tigers or wild boars here—there are some limits to just how exotic you should go.
5 Foods You Thought Were Healthy, but Actually Aren’t
For a country as obsessed with weight and food production as ours is, there tends to be a lot of conflicting information, health-food fads and dietary gimmicks circulating about what and how we should eat.