Mama Bear Checks Herself Into Airbnb, ‘Destroys’ House Looking for Food
The California Highway Patrol is reminding tourists and residents to be aware of their surroundings after an "extremely aggressive" and very hungry bear entered an Airbnb residence looking for food.
"Good reminder to all who live up here and all that come to play up here, you are in Bear country, and this was their home first," the CHP of Truckee, Calif. shared in a Facebook post.
Their caption was coupled with several photos showing the aftermath left behind by a hungry mama bear who entered a Northstar area Airbnb through a window.
The occupants were able to safely lock themselves in various rooms to hide from the bear until the authorities arrived.
When officers arrived on the scene, they found that the bear had destroyed the house looking for food.
"The bear charged at officers multiple times until they were able to get it back outside," the post continued. They discovered the bear had three cubs waiting for her outside in a nearby tree.
This wasn't the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story anyone expected. However, it served as a great opportunity for the California Highway Patrol to share a gentle reminder to "be bear aware" out there.
So, what should you do if you spot a bear? The National Park Service shared these bear safety tips, which include staying calm, making yourself appear as large as possible and picking up any small children.
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