Benton City Girl Used for Bait in Plot to Stab Student
A 16-year-old Kiona-Benton High School student admitted to planning to lure another student and stab him with the help of two other students, according to police.
Jeremiah D. Cunningham, 16, could be tried as an adult, according to news reports.
Detectives say Cunningham was the "mastermind" behind the attack that would have been successful if not stopped by a group of other students.
A 16-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl were involved with the plot and released to their parents. They have not been charged, but could in the future.
The murder plot was supposed to have the girl lure an 18 -year-old male behind the Ki-Be Red Apple Market at lunch, where Cunningham could attack him with a knife. The 16-year-old male student's job was to block an entrance so the victim could not get away during the attack.
Luckily, Cunningham was found by other students before the attack wearing a red mask and they taunted him causing him to run away.
School officials reportedly learned about the alleged plot on Nov. 15, the day it happened, but did not report the incident to police until Nov. 21.
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