Did You Hear About the Great Moses Lake Mini-Van Shootout?
The "Great Moses Lake Mini-Van Shootout" took place back on July 10th when Moses Lake authorities got word of a shootout between a silver mini-van and a red Ford Focus. Video footage found after the shooting showed the altercation started at a Moses Lake Walmart according to news reports. After the altercation, the victim tried to leave the scene, but the suspect followed him in a silver mini-van.
The driver of the silver mini-van, now identified as 26 year old Damien Garza of Moses Lake, followed the victim in the Focus to the Plum Street intersection and fired his gun through the window at the victim. Multiple shots were fired, then the victim tried to run away to a nearby residence. Garza opened fire at least one more time, hitting the Ford Focus multiple times but the victim was not hit by any bullets. The victim said he did not know the man shooting at him.
Garza and the accomplice ridding with him, now identified as 22 year old Brooke Fike, dropped the mini-van and got a ride out of town. The police contacted the suspects through their cellphones where they said they went to Tacoma to visit the Garza's family. Both Garza and Fike are still at large and warrants have been issued for their arrest.
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