Family of Kennewick Teen Eddie Perez in Coma Needs Your Help
Friends of 17 year old Eddie Perez from Kennewick have reached out online to ask the community to help with medical and travel expenses for his family.
Eddie was hit by a car May 3rd, 2018 crossing the street on his skateboard and has been fighting for his life trapped in a coma at a hospital in Spokane since that day.
A family member of Eddie has set up a gofundme account with a goal of $100,000.
Eddie was a very well like kid and positive young man that was very active in his church according to many people, including my own wife that was a teacher of his in school.
Christina Marcelina, a member of his church, made an emotional plea to the community to help the family any way the can.
If you can help Eddie Perez's family, please click the gofundme link and spread the word to anyone you think can help.
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