If you've ever ridden a horse or a mountain bike out in the Franklin County Juniper Dunes area you've seen the familiar sign that has been there for as long as I can remember.

The Juniper Dunes sign has gone missing. County officials want to know what happened to the sign and would like it returned.

I can't imagine why anyone would steal a sign like that...So maybe the wind just blew it down? That seems unreasonable too. I'm not sure why some people think the rules don't apply to them. It's the one pet peeve I have about living in my community.

The Juniper Dunes: A Great Hiking Area

The Juniper Dunes is a preserve for the nearly lost Junipers. Surrounded by agricultural lands and adjacent dunes ravaged by off-road vehicles, the 7,100-acre Juniper Dunes Wilderness protects the state’s largest remaining natural groves of junipers and some of its biggest dunes. While this landscape may appear harsh, it’s actually a pretty sensitive environment.

When is the best time to visit the Juniper Dunes?

The spring months are best for a visit when temperatures aren’t too extreme and the dunes are awash in wildflower blooms.


I noted that the sign clearly reads NO MOTOR VEHICLES. I am guessing perhaps some motor vehicle owners of Quads, ATVs, and dirt bike motorcycles are perturbed at the rule to 'stay out'. Maybe they tore down the sign so they could say they didn't see one? That could seem like a blatant assumption, but I've seen it too many times.

There are signs posted in Benton City on trails behind my house for walkers, hikers, and horse riders that are clearly marked NO MOTOR VEHICLES and yet, I'll see dozens a day just zipping on by and ignoring the sign while going way too fast!

If you know anything about the sign's whereabouts contact  Franklin County Sheriff's Department.

Read more about the missing sign from AppleValley News Now

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