Libby Middle School’s Porn Filters May Not Be Strong Enough
Libby Middle School in West Richland is a new state-of-the-art school. Each of the students has a Chromebook on which to do school work, and they are allowed to take the computers home to do homework. The school as added security features and filters to keep the kids from seeing images they don't need to see at the age, namely porn and other such images.
However, at least one mom has found that certain images of women wearing next to nothing (or nothing at all) have been able to leak through the filters. She's asking for more security on the laptops, and other parents may follow suit. The school says that the filters are stronger than that on a cell phone, for example, but they are working to strengthen the filters.
What do you think should be done to make sure these images don't come through? Should parents monitor their kids more? Should the school have more filters? Is it not a big deal, the kids will find those images anyway? Take the poll!
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