Look. Not every breakup is going to be good. In fact, most are pretty awful. But sometimes you've got to let that stuff go. Or, if you decide you HAVE to get revenge, at least leave your cellphone at home!!

On Jan. 2,, 27-year-old Thomas L. Black was arrested for second-degree arson and possession of a stolen car. Black allegedly stole his ex girlfriend's vehicle when she was out of town in Spokane. Black allegedly called her sister to tell her that she was really going to be sorry now!

Her car was found engulfed in flames when a passer-by saw someone running and hopping in another car to drive away.

waiting 2

Here's the kicker, the cellphone towers pinged Black going between the woman's home and the boat ramp where the car was torched.

DUDE! If you're going to commit a crime, you should probably leave your cell phone at home! Just saying!

Black is looking at doing time if convicted. His court appearance is schedule for Jan. 25.

Friends, don't torch your ex's car.. Just saying!

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