Ready to ‘Unfriend’ Half Your Facebook Friends? You’re Not Alone!
Remember when Facebook was fun!? Yeah, I'm having a hard time remembering too! Political posts, religious posts, selfies, videos, fake news and so much more have littered our Facebook pages more and more these days. The fun of staying in touch and sharing photos and little tidbits of our lives on social media has been corrupted. These days Facebook has become more and more like "Hatebook." We all have friends whose posting habits have gotten more than just a little irritating. But should we jump to the unfriend?
A lot of people (myself included) have been using the site's "Unfollow" option, so we can stay friends without having to see constant posts from those who are getting on our nerves, but when is it time to Unfriend for good? What is your Unfriend Dealbreaker: the thing that when it gets to much, you have to say goodbye to that friend on Facebook? Take the poll below, I bet your Dealbreaker is a lot like others' too!
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