
Chris Brown Performance Ends in Stabbing!
Chris Brown Performance Ends in Stabbing!
Chris Brown Performance Ends in Stabbing!
Chris Brown can't seem to avoid having his name attached to incidents like this one. A fight broke out earlier this week at a night club after his performance, which resulted in someone getting stabbed.
Facebook is Spying on You!
Facebook is Spying on You!
Facebook is Spying on You!
Have you noticed when you google something online whether it's clothing, furniture, sunglasses or whatever it is you're looking for, more ad's similar to your search pop up on your Facebook feed? That is because Facebook is somehow monitoring what you view online to give you more ad's on what you may be interested in buying.
Father Beats Teen After He Caught Him Molesting His Son
Father Beats Teen After He Caught Him Molesting His Son
Father Beats Teen After He Caught Him Molesting His Son
What would you do in a situation like this? If you're a parent and you walk in on your babysitter that you 'trusted' molesting your son, would your reaction be similar to this parents reaction? In this case, I side with the parent. This teenager deserved his beating.