You Can Be in Night Argent’s New Music Video!
Tri-Cities is home to a LOT of local talent. The band Night Argent is no exception. They have been back in the studio working hard on new music, and now they are looking to film a new video. And they need your help! Night Argent is filming a new music video in Richland, this Saturday, October 27th, and they need extras to be on set! They will need you dressed in your Sunday Best, as if you're going to church. They need people from all walks of life and all ages, so don't be shy if you think you won't have the right look; they're looking for all types of people!
To get more information email Chase@NightArgentOfficial.com, and they'll let you know the deal, and if you get cast! Can't wait to see the final product and hopefully get some new music soon!
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