Are Portland parks now banning Ouija boards?
I may not be a Portland, OR native, but I know one thing: you're supposed to keep Portland weird. That's why the internet has raised concern after a local from PDX posted a sign found at Fernhill Park prohibiting Ouija boards.
Recent events have supposedly led to the rule change
The sign, pictured below, reads: "Due to recent events, ouija boards are no longer permitted at Fernhill Park. Thank you!!"
Anyone care to explain? Found at Fernhill Park.
byu/aldaberanaficosphiny inPortland
What exactly are those recent events? Redditors are coming forward with more details. Here are a few taking the blame:
- "Oh so my buddy can puke in the coat check closet and only gets banned for a month, but I summon one demon and the partys over for good?" - machuitzil
- "That's on me, folks! I was having such a bad time with dating that I decided to look in the afterlife. I totally did not account for the potentiality that a succubus would respond, and she decided to ravage me right there on the track. Sorry, but also not sorry." - paulexander
- "I do not care do explain. Nor will I. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things that desperately require my immediate attention." - peppermintmeow
Ricky_Toyota claims to have the real scoop:
Someone got tired of seeing people taking their ouija boards to the park. Pushing their ouija on the swing, teeter-tottering with their ouija, enjoying a wonderful picnic having the times of their lives. Meanwhile, this person is at the park alone and has never had a ouija of their own to share special times with. It's kind of sad, but they need to put themselves out there to find happiness rather than trying to take it away from others.
While winkingchef points out this is only the logical response:
Look, people. I know the slogan is “Keep Portland Weird,” but The Parks Department reserves the right to re-evaluate safety-related policies after major events. The portal to Carcosa that opened on Friday October 13th introduced several non-native species to the park which necessitated extensive clean up.
Now that you've had a laugh - the truth.
This homemade sign is just a fun little prank based on an internet meme that's spreading. One of the tell-tale signs of the forgery is that it's signed by "Multnomah County Parks," which doesn't exist. If it did though, it probably would only have the budget to print a sign from a laser-jet and stick it in a protective sleeve.
Whoever the local prankster is, I tip my hat to you for helping keep Portland weird. And maybe you'll inspire more to take up the cause to give everyone a moment's pause on their daily rounds.
- If you love silliness and Ouija boards, check out the best of r/AskOuija!
Otherwise, keep scrolling to see more features of Portland's weirdest.
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