Strange Tales of The Thing That Lurks In Lake Chelan
Confession: I've never been to Lake Chelan. And now I'll never-ever, ever-ever vacation in "Washington's Playground." Because while many locals love to hop in a boat and soak up the view in Chelan, they are fools, as oblivious to the dangers under the water's surface as those hapless beachgoers in the movie JAWS. It's all fun and games until someone falls prey to The Thing That Lurks in Lake Chelan.
But what is it?
The Devil in Lake Chelan
As the legend goes, Native Americans were confronted with "a devil" in the waters of Lake Chelan. Not wanting to deal with this devil's 🐂💩, they dammed the foot of the lake, hoping to kill it. But you know how this movie ends: the devil lived on.
The Water Dragon of Lake Chelan
Spotted in Lake Chelan in 1892, the Water Dragon has been described as white, having "the legs and body of an alligator, and the head and restless eyes of a serpent." Serpents are known for their restless eyes, apparently. Finally, the Water Dragon had enormous, leathery wings and a long tail, full of scales.
The Water Dragon attacked three men - this is documented in the Wilbur Register - and clamped down on one man's legs before taking flight. The remaining two set a trap to stop the creature, hoping to burn the winged creature alive, but fire had little effect, because... Dragon. They breathe the stuff. The monster dove back beneath the water, taking that unfortunate soul with it.
The Beast of Lake Chelan
Tragically, in 1945 a school bus crashed into Lake Chelan, killing all aboard. Divers went down to investigate, and were circled by a slithery shadow, a beast perhaps 75 feet in length. The divers came up for air and didn't go back beneath.
What Else Could It Be?
Some who read this will be skeptical that a devil, Water Dragon, or other beast has ever lived in the waters of Lake Chelan. But if not a monster of some sort, then what? A giant sturgeon? Get real.