The Dirt Floor at TRAC Might Be Changing…Why?
If you have gone to many events at TRAC in Pasco, you might have walked on the unstable temporary floor that is placed over the dirt in the arena. Now that flooring could be changing.
The TRAC is almost done finalizing a deal between the Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities and Franklin County to turn the dirt floor in the arena to a cement floor.
The upgrade will cost around $204,000 to pave. The TRAC arena was popular with agriculture events like barrell racing and rodeos, but they think they will have more business with the paved floor, according to reports.
They are talking about upgrading the outdoor livestock area to hold the livestock events that would have to relocate with the upgrade to the building.
The deal could be signed as soon as Tuesday and could be paved in May during the slower season for the TRAC.
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