Flu Season Is Coming Early and Hitting Hard!
Fall is a great time for football, falling leaves, cooler nights, pumpkins, and THE FLU! That's right, it's already time to start thinking about flu season. Ick, I know. You don't want to think about it, but, well you have to. Especially since it's already hitting. The flu can be especially hard for kids, the elderly and pregnant or nursing women, and it can be BAD! The Washington Department of Health is urging people to take care and even get vaccines.
“Getting vaccinated every year against the flu is essential to protecting yourself and your family from this very serious illness,” said Dr. Kathy Lofy, State Health Officer. “Flu vaccines to protect you this fall and winter are available at many pharmacies and healthcare providers. Everyone 6 months and older, even healthy teens and young adults, should get vaccinated.”
I know, getting a shot isn't very fun, but you know what's even less fun, THE FLU. Take it from someone who's already been sick this year (I missed a week of work the first week of September), the flu is no joke. A lot of places offer low-cost or no-cost shots. So check with your health provider, health insurance, or a local pharmacy. If nothing else, just make sure to at least wash your hands after contact with food, animals, and other people. If you DO get sick, STAY HOME. Don't bring your germs to more people. Take care the flu season, and stay healthy out there!
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