Learn to Be Your Own Food Truck Boss at Food Truck Academy
Not too long ago, if you told someone you were hitting up a food truck for lunch, visions of cockroach infested, unclean, mystery-meat filled raggedy old trucks filled your head. There's no way you were eating at one of those! But these days the food truck craze is on fire! With all kinds of different cuisine from tacos to gourmet shrimp rolls, food trucks are huge, and only getting better and better! They have low overhead, but still have to meet the same clean standards that brick and mortar kitchens need to have. So that means they can serve quality food at lower prices. People LOVE them!
And now there's a program dedicated to teaching people how to run their own! CBC is offering a Food Truck Academy with the former director of Pasco Specialty Kitchen. The program is 10 weeks long and teaches students the skills they need to run a successful food truck on their own. The first program starts August 5th and includes labs and field trips in addition to classes. To register, email mfreytag@columbiabasin.edu or call 509-542-4804. Maybe YOU will have the next popular food truck!