Pasco Police Search for Black BMW with Angry Bald Male Driver
An angry bald man driving a black BMW is wanted by police for a hit-and-run accident in Pasco on Burden Blvd and Rd 60.
Police report the driver of the black BMW allegedly drove away before exchanging information during lunchtime around 12:45 pm. The black BMW has blue sideswipe damage on the front end or front corners. One person commented on the post that the black BMW was a 07-13 335i with oe trunk spoiler with another saying it was a 328i.
The woman hit by the BMW describes what happened in comments on the Pasco Pd Facebook. "she was parked behind me after the guy in the black car rear ended yelled at me then drove off".
"Officer Sam Baker would like to identify the Beemer driver, the Beemer, the insurance company, and get that driver's side of the story." it says on the Pasco pd Facebook page. (Never-mind that it is spelled Bimmer or BMW, we got you Pasco PD.)
Pasco Pd also wants to remind you that if you are in an accident, "you should exchange at a minimum your name, address, insurance company, policy number, vehicle license, and show your driver's license, according to RCW 46.52.020."
Original post:
Pasco Police
19 hrs ·
IT'S A HIT-AND-RUN even when you get out, blame the other driver, and then leave in a huff. Or in a black BMW. Officer Sam Baker would like to identify the Beemer driver, the Beemer, the insurance company, and get that driver's side of the story. This happened at Burden/ Road 60 at about 12:45 lunchtime.
If you are involved in a traffic collision inside Pasco, please know that we are still a full-service PD and we respond to those as fast as other priorities allow. If you choose not to call police, you should exchange at a minimum your name, address, insurance company, policy number, vehicle license, and show your driver's license, according to RCW 46.52.020. You know, the same info the police would ask for if we were there. Just use the cool phone you are now holding to take photos of the damage, the license plates, the insurance cards, and the drivers' licenses.
The photo is of the actual black BMW. It is pretty pixelated and we are not guessing in print at what it says, but we will be looking for one consistent with that photo. It may have blue sideswipe damage on the front end or front corners. The driver is a male with a shaved head. If you have any info, please call Pasco PD at (509)545-3421 or email Officer Sam Baker at bakerp@pasco-wa.gov about case PP18-50985 Hit and Run. And if you are the driver of the black BMW, Officer Baker actually wants to hear your side.
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