Send Someone a Baby Goat Before It’s Too Late!
You're probably like, "Send someone a baby goat?" Like, a REAL one? What? Why? HOW!? Well, that was my reaction anyway. Yes, you can send someone a baby goat to their office to take photos, snuggle, and simply delight in the cuteness of a baby goat! This is a fundraiser for the Wishing Star Foundation, which grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3 and 21, living in Spokane, the Tri-Cities and local outlying areas. You can send a baby goat anywhere in the Tri-Cities through Friday, May 11.
Check out the video below, then to send a goat and learn more about the foundation, click this right here. Also, if you wanted to send one to Raleigh at the Hot 97.5 studios, I wouldn't be upset... 😉 Happy Goating!