Pasco High School Students ‘Pride’ Rap Video Goes Viral
Pasco High School Students wrote a song and made a music video about school pride that has now gone viral.
The students were originally given the idea from a teacher asking if they would write a tribute song to Pasco High School. Victor Rodriguez, a 16 year old junior, two other students, and some teachers wrote, recorded, and shot this cool new music video, according to reports.
They debuted the video at an assembly and instantly the students cheered. The other two students rapping in the video, Mario Rodriguez, 20, a Pasco High alum, and Geo Rivera, 16, also help write the lyrics.
Pasco teachers Dominique Wright-Jackson and Sarah Garza are in charge of the "Dog Pound", the student organization created to inspire school pride. They originally convinced Rodriguez to write the song for the club and found a colleague to help shoot the video.
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